
Showing posts from July, 2015

Value Stock Scorecard

Back from my hiatus. Been busy working and also participated in the Invest Idol Competition (Don’t really think I will win but just trying). During the preparation of the Invest Idol, I decided I require a more consistent approach to my investment methods. So I created my Value Stock Scorecard. It is an improvement from my previous approach as it added a series of consistency to how I view ratios and numbers. After inputting the data, each calculation or Ratio will provide a score of -1, 0, 1 or 2, depending on my allocation of the score for that ratio/calculation. Thus, if all of the individual score adds up to 9 or more (out of 14), the stock is a value stock. However, I have also added a series of non-score related consideration to further enhance or reduce the possibility of determining if a stock is a value stock. Factors with Score: Company or Parent Firm must not be from China, Malaysia or Hong Kong – The scandals from the S-chips (can we even

Still Finding Out My Definition of a Value Stock

I have been wanting to talk/share about my new portfolio of Small Cap stocks. If you have read my previous post, I have blog about my investment in Sin Ghee Huat and ISDN Holdings (2 of my many small cap stocks). As a fundamental-analyst-value investor, I am always on the lookout to see if these stocks are true to my analysis and if they are truly a value stock (I will not want to share something that is wrong.). Furthermore, I realise my views have been inconsistent in some of my stocks purchase. Thus, I have been trying to come up with my own scoreboard/scorecard to analyse a company's financial statements. But it seems that based on my current draft criteria - many companies will qualify as a value stock. In addition, due to the many complications within the Singapore Market - Shares Conslidation, Reduction in Oil Price, Greece-related movements, China-related news movement, etc. - Suddenly there are many net-nets in SGX. Source: The Motley Fool I guess I will need