Triple S Scorecard – The Enhanced Version

This article will be reproduced at TTTI as a guest post as well. Firstly, I like to thank TTTI for giving me the privilege to write a guest post for his blog. After deciding for a long time, I decided to write on my creation – Triple S Scorecard – which is also unique to how I invest. In addition, this comes as a good time as I am reviewing on this scorecard as well. When I started investing in 2009/10 , I had my fair share of mistakes. It was only after reading the book, Value Investing: Tools and Technique for Intelligent Investment by James Moniter, in 2011 that I realize the need for a more consistent value-focus strategy. After reading more books, I came up with a checklist. But it was only in early 2015 that I finalized on a standard group of criteria to be in my checklist. However, I felt that I still need a more systematic and consistent way of investing, especially in Singapore Stocks. So in November 2015, Triple S Scorecard was created. Most of th...