Interview with "Reader Who Uses The Scorecard Method"
I will like to apologize for the delay in posting. I had wanted to do a "Reasons to come for the Investing Workshop" post on Sunday, but it ended up sounding too HARD-SELLING, thus I reverted it to draft instead. However, the short publication got "crawled" into my InvestingNote page and some people seem to be quite turn off by it. I guess I made the right choice in turning the post into draft. Anyway back to the main topic... This will be an interview with the "Reader" whom had supported me since late 2016. Not only has he read my blog regularly, he has also came for my seminars numerous times and followed my scorecard method since the " Enhanced Triple S Scorecard " days. The reason I interviewed him was because I felt he was a bit different from the regular investors. Most investors seems to focus on news, financials or charts. But from my conversion with him, he get inspirations from observing "businesses around him" (Somethi...