My Approach In Finding The Stocks I Want
Do note that my views are value-investment related and looks strictly at fundamental aspects of the company. 1. SGX Stock Screener (StockFacts) I use StockFacts to reduce the time required to find my value-buys. Many of you may argue it may not be accurate or outdated. But do note that further checks on the financial reports of the shortlisted stocks should still be done to ensure the stocks will fit into the criteria. Criteria key in are (1) PE < 10, (2) PB < 1.5 and (3) Dividend Yield > 4% and ranged according to Debt to Equity or % Drop in Price from 52 Weeks High. 2. Debt to Equity (Excluding Intangibles) < 0.25 or 25% Debt to Equity must be less than 0.25 or 25%. My friend once told me, "if a company do not have debt, this means the company may not have the ability to expand." But there is always 2 sides to each story as low debt/no debt may also mean that the company still has potential to expand and do not require to pay high f