Exciting News Ahead For This Counter!

Happy Chinese New Year! Hope everyone have a great year ahead! For many investors and traders, Chinese New Year came early asthe Singapore Stock Market is in a buoyant mood and a lot of people are making gains. For me, I was lucky to get enough rights excess of the Sabana REIT to have an average price of $0.320. I have since sold all my Sabana REIT shares. The other lucky shot I had was Singhaiyi Group Ltd . As I have written on 25 Jan 2017, I bought the shares at a low average price of $0.099. A day after my article was posted, the company made the announcement that they have divested all their holdings in TripleOne Somerset for $100 Million. This is a gain in disposal of asset for at least $30 Million. SGX Announcement Another important fact on this transaction is that on the 2016 annual report, the company actually has $45.8 Million of junior bonds issued to the entity owning TripleOne Somerset. This junior bonds will be returned in full to Singhaiyi Group Ltd. 2...