Thank you Raffles Education for the lesson!

Raffles Education Corporation Limited (Raffles Education) has just announced a placement of 95 Million of shares at $0.30 on 28 Sep 2017. At that time, their share price was $0.320. However, if you look at the rise in share price, you can see that it was “pumped” to $0.320 within a short time frame. What exactly happen? It seems like one of our Singapore Richest, Mr Oei Hong Leong, decided to increase his stake Raffles Education from 10.43% in Sep 2016 to 14.04% in Sep 2017. I personally believe Mr Oei purchased Raffles Education for business purpose. I doubt he is trying to do anything funny. However, this may have led people who followed him to get stuck at $0.320 if they purchase at a high just before the announcement of the shares placement. In the meanwhile, the financials of this company seems to be in pretty bad shape. Although I may not have taken a close look, but for the last 4 quarters, it only turn profit at the last quarter. The full year net profit margi...