An Interview with the Stanley of "Value Invest Asia"

I met Stanley at an meet up organised by InvestingNote previously. Both of us arrived fashionably late and I was quite surprised when he introduced himself. This is because, at that time, I was already following Value Invest Asia Facebook Page and reading about their regular write-ups. Through our conservation, I find out that he is also a CFA and is very knowledgeable about valuation techniques. I also understand that he is also writing on a book - "Value Investing in Asia : The Definitive Guide to Investing in Asia" - that will only be launched in November. You can read all about it on Book Depository and Amazon . I can't wait to get my hands on it! Let's not also forget - He has also just conducted a seminar with InvestingNote and I can't make it due to "permission not granted". Nevertheless, it seem like those that attended the session has found it to be fruitful. Without further ado, let's get straight to the interview q...