My New Role

I may seem to be sharing less on InvestingNote, My Facebook Page, and on my blog.

This is because I am currently in a new job and a totally new role.

When I say it is a new role, it actually meant that the job title did relate to what I had did over the many years, BUT THE ACTUAL ROLE IS TOTALLY DIFFERENT.

The actual role and the expected role is like ketchup and chili sauce. Rightfully, it cannot be mixed. But they mixed it together. Previously, I was always able to tell black and white. Now, I find myself stepping into the grey area.

One of the reason is because this a lean organization.

This is only into my 6th day in the new role and I met lawyers, customers, came out with policy, met referrals and even looked at pricing and budget.

I am like running my own business => Stress + No Time.

During the last 6 working days, I also did not look at the market and I realise the STI and the market has fallen quite a lot. 

But amazing, my portfolio only lacks behind the STI ETF (including dividends) by 0.2%.

Anyway, after all the thoughts above, I have to say I have yet to regret my decision in taking the leap of faith moving from a "9 to 5" role to a role in a Fintech company.

For all that I experience for these 6 days, I will never ever be able to do that if I continue in a 9 to 5 role.

In addition, this role have also given me more thoughts about the progress of fundamental scorecard website and what I could possibility do in the future.

Let's just enjoy the moment now and work harder.

If you find that I am sharing less, please understand for now.

Thank you for reading.

If you are interested to know more about The Ultimate Scorecard or Full Analysis, do visit the Fundamental Scorecard website for more information! 

We have also released the Moat Scorecard with InvestingNote. Do take a look!

Oh... and do remember, please like our Facebook page (T.U.B Investing) and follow me on InvestingNote
